 Sacred Trees

 Net lace

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     Breton costumes have always appealed to me. I wore this costumes when I was in a dancing group in keeping with the traditionnal culture of Brittany. My interest in the historical aspects of breton costumes over a number of years lead to my becoming a collector . My real pleasure is to make copies of "coiffes" (headdresses), yokes, cuffs in net and filet, embroidered aprons and shawls with crocheted fringes, or to create new ones following the tradition.


     During the XIXe century, the Breton embroiderers developped a combination of several needle techniques on cotton net and gauze that resulted in a very recognisable lace.

     They used filling stitches on net and needlelace to ornate patterns embroidered in padded satin stitches. The net is cut when needle-lace takes place. See the examples I show here: a bonnet and a yoke.


     The two old postcards on this page show two different embroidered costume and coiffes worn in the beginning of this century in South Brittany.